Psalm 80, 30 November 2014

Shine upon us
Shine upon us

Restore us O God;

let your face shine upon us and we shall be saved.

This verse appears three times (vv 3, 7 and 19) as the psalmist makes a plea for divine intervention and restoration.

Read last year’s post for some further introductory notes. The text of the selection is here>.


The people’s response, based on this recurring verse, is found in Psalms for all seasons, no 80A. We used it in December 2013.

IMG_2329PFAS also provides a tone for the singing of the verses. However, as we did last time, we shall sing a slightly paraphrased version of the words to the tune of the response.

Singers and young people are asked to gather early to participate in leading this song; cantors to sing verses will also be welcome. Come early.


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